Saturday, January 19, 2013

Frozen bananas: your guilt-less indulgence

I've got to admit, for as much as I absolutely adore Pinterest and have it to thank for an insane number of amazing recipes and workouts that have inspired me, I also believe it's the devil. Let me tell you- going on the site shortly before going to bed is NEVER a good idea. This is due to the fact that for as much as you may try to avoid it, some picture of an insanely amazing and decadent-looking dessert is going to show up in your stream. This in turn will create a craving for something sugary that you most likely did not have previous to logging into the site, and when you're in the most relaxed state of mind you've been in all day, it's likely that the dessert you've just seen is going to take over your thoughts.

There are clearly only two solutions to this problem: either pass out immediately and avoid the problem entirely, or shut your craving up by satisfying it. Unfortunately for me, I'm never able to lay down and simply fall asleep immediately, therefore leaving me with option #2. Luckily for me though, the frozen banana craze had me feeling curious to try it out for myself, and my findings have matched the positive reviews that so many others have given: it does in fact taste like ice-cream. Unlike it's sugar-laden counterpart, this take on the treat has no fat, is all natural, and is packed with fiber, potassium, and vitamins C and B6! I also happen to be a huge peanut butter fan and absolutely love Better N' Peanut Butter (a peanut butter that has 85% less fat and 40% less calories than regular peanut butter). Since peanut butter and bananas go together like hot guys and Jeep Wranglers, when I'm feeling more for convenience than for an aesthetically pleasing dessert, I grab a banana out of the freezer and add a bit of peanut butter onto it. Take my word for it. It tastes amazing.

If you want to give this dessert a try and care to put more effort into it, you can mash the frozen banana up into a bowl (or a blender for a more even consistency) and add in other ingredients such as peanut butter, cocoa powder, blueberries- the list could go on. You could also make an "ice-cream" pop by dipping a frozen banana into some melted semi-sweet chocolate and rolling it in your topping(s) of choice. There are plenty of other methods for creating this healthy treat, such as this insanely good-looking peanut butter, chocolate, and banana fro-yo recipe from SELF Magazine. So next time a sugar-craving strikes, forget about the McFlurry and give this healthy dessert a whirl!

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