Saturday, April 20, 2013

Coachella weekend: the importance of hydration

The weekend I've been waiting for has finally arrived- Coachella 2013! With the many hours of walking and dancing under the hot desert sun, it's easy to become dehydrated. We've all been told that staying hydrated is important, but at least in my experience, nobody has taken the time to explain why. Below is a breakdown from Eating Well Magazine on why staying hydrated is essential to our health:

- Dehydration can prevent you from efficiently solving problems, keep your memory from functioning at its best, and can negatively affect mood and motivation.

- It's a given that dehydration causes your mouth and throat to dry up, but what you may not have known is that this can lead to bad breath and cavities (at least I didn't!).

- Your blood volume is lowered when you're dehydrated, which makes exercise, or a simple walk up the stairs, more of a challenge.

- When our bodies grow hot, our blood vessels expand to release heat. When you're dehydrated, you remain feeling hot, for higher environmental temperatures are needed for your blood vessels to expand.

- Dehydration is linked to muscle fatigue; in order to prevent this, our joints need water to stay lubricated.  

- Not staying properly hydrated causes your skin to become less elastic.

- In order to rid of your blood's waste, your kidneys depend on water for excreting the toxins through urination.

For a more in depth read on why to stay hydrated, click the link here!

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