Saturday, April 27, 2013

Beets: the little known super-food

As the warmer weather rolls in, many of us will begin to crave our favorite summertime foods. When the sun is pouring down on us as we relax by the pool or bike along the street, nothing seems to sound more appealing than juicy foods like watermelon and mangos. As great as those foods are for you, wouldn't you say that it's about time to think outside of the box? Next time you're preparing yourself a poolside snack, why not reach for some nice, juicy beets?

Yes, I do realize that beets are most likely the last thing you'd think of eating on a hot summer day, or any other day for that matter... but there are plenty of reasons why you should! And, not just during the summer, but at any time of the year (they are in season year-round, after all)! Beets are an incredibly underrated vegetable considering all that they offer. This sweet and low-calorie super-food contains magnesium, calcium, iron (more than other veggies), phosphorus, fiber, niacin, and vitamins A and C. They also contain folic acid, which is needed for the creation and upkeep of new cells, which is important for the physical healing process.

Did I mention that beets also boost immunity and aid in fighting cancer? As if that wasn't enough, the pigment that gives the beet its deep red color is full of antioxidants! These pigments are known as betalain, which serve as an anti-inflammatory and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Oh, you thought I was done. Not even close! Beets also happen to be a great food to eat for weight-loss or simply for staying in shape. They have zero trans fats and saturated fats and are a great food to eat before a workout. Beets are high in carbohydrates which give your body energy, help to improve your cardio performance by allowing you to complete the same amount of exercise with less oxygen, and also lower blood pressure. Imagine how much harder you could go during your sweat session by snacking on some beets beforehand! (For more information on how beets affect athletic performance, click the link here).

Since beets are inexpensive and can conveniently be bought canned (their shelf life will last you around 2 years), there is absolutely no reason not to be eating this amazing food! Beets can be eaten chilled, cooked, boiled, sautéed, steamed, raw, you name it! You can add beets into your salads, sandwiches, and whole-wheat pasta recipes for a mighty health boost, and if you're not a fan of the beet's flavor and don't have the time to whip them into a recipe, I've got you covered. I recently found pre-packaged flavor-infused beet snacks at Albertson's grocery store! Love Beets Baby Beets come in four different flavors: vinegar-infused, sweetfire-infused, honey and ginger-infused, and balsamic-infused. Click the link above to check out the Love Beets website to peruse their other products, beet recipes, and additional info on the incredible beet!

Forget whatever previous notions you may have had on beets and start making them a pantry-staple! They're simply too nutritious to pass up!

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