Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Quesadillas: the lactose friendly version

As a kid, I grew up on quesadillas. Each time I went out for Tex-Mex (which was at least once a week), I would order cheese quesadillas and only cheese quesadillas. Perhaps due to my being back in Texas for Spring break or maybe even brought on subconsciously from my past, yesterday I had an intense craving for one. Unfortunately, I've recently become lactose-intolerant, so I knew I wouldn't be replicating the same ones from back in the day (that, and because the one's I used to order were loaded with grease). Making some alterations, I used a 1/3 cup serving of soy-cheddar cheese and two corn tortillas.  I must say, I was shocked by how similar the soy cheese tasted to the real thing. Had I not known what I was eating, I would've assumed I was eating actual cheddar cheese!

If you're lactose-intolerant, gluten-free, vegan, or  vegetarian (or anyone else for that matter), this little concoction makes a great mid-day snack, only taking a matter of minutes to make with incredibly minimal effort (it took me about 5 minutes to make my quesadilla in a pan over the stove) and only coming in at 180 calories! To pack more of a nutrient-punch into your quesadilla, you can add in other ingredients such as spinach, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, kale- the options are endless! You may even come up with something more original; you won't know unless you give this cheesy snack a go!

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