Thursday, March 7, 2013

Probiotics: what are they anyways?

Probiotics seem to be advertised everywhere these days; whether you've read about their inclusion on yogurt packaging or heard of their mention on a commercial advertising a new drink product, it's likely you've heard of probiotics someway or another. So, what are probiotics anyways?

Probiotics are good-for-you bacteria (yes, they do exist!) in our bodies that aid in digestion, can reduce bloating and gas, and help build your immunity to protect you from illnesses and disease, such as irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. A more recent report has also found that probiotics can lower LDL cholesterol levels (the type of cholesterol you don't want) and saturated fat levels.

So if we already have probiotics in our systems, why spend the money on buying foods that include them? As it turns out, our body's probiotics can be warded off by many factors, including stress, antibiotics, and preservatives, which can result in an increased risk of disease. As the cliche dictates: better to be safe rather than to be sorry! So... go buy some probiotics.

Which foods contain probiotics, you may ask? Fermented foods (such as kefir, yogurt, miso, sauerkraut) as well as fortified foods (you'd be surprised by the vast amount of fortified foods out there, including anything from cereal to chocolate). For longer-lasting probiotics, cultured dairy products are the way to go. They're able to live longer in the moist environment, as opposed to their shorter life-span in dry foods. If neither of these options appeal to you, you can always find probiotics in supplement form.  

My favorite way to take in probiotics is by drinking Kombucha (a fermented, raw, probiotic drink), which I absolutely love! I wasn't a fan the first time I had one due the pungent taste, but after drinking a couple more over the course of a few days, I was hooked. Kombucha happens to be my probiotic product of choice, but any of the other options listed above will do just as well!


  1. There are lots of probiotic sources that we can take. So it isn't an excuse of how and where to get it. Probiotic helps a lot in your body so you really should have it.

    1. I agree Sloane, probiotic products are incredibly beneficial and make a great addition to any diet! I've been seeing so many new probiotic drinks hit grocery store shelves lately, the variety of products continues to grow!

  2. Great post! This is really great to know! I actually keep hearing about probiotic drinks like Yakult Milk. It’s good to learn through research that probiotics do have positive benefits for children!

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed the post Stephanie! It's amazing how much benefit can be derived from many of the probiotic products out there!
