Saturday, June 1, 2013

Workouts: headbangers

The triceps press, a.k.a. "the headbanger", is a great arm exercise to help get rid of the infamous under-arm jiggle. This exercise can be implemented standing up, seated, or lying down, allowing you to mix things up if you start to get bored with any given stance!

To do this exercise lying down, simply grab a dumbbell and lay down with your back against an exercise bench. With both hands gripping the weight, raise it up above your face, and then bending your elbows, bring it back behind your head. That's one rep. If you feel as though you're about to hit your head, you're doing it right-- hence the nickname headbanger (be careful to not actually hit your head though). The seated tricep press and the standing tricep press are done in the same way, except you'd be bringing the weight above your head (rather than hovering over) and then behind it.

If you try this exercise and feel that it's too easy for you, try increasing your weight, but be careful not to go too heavy; you never want to sacrifice weight for form! For a descriptive photo of the lying triceps press, click the link here, for a photo of the seated version, click the link here, and for the standing version, click the link here (this particular photo shows the exercise using a cable rope, which is another great way to go about doing them)! If you're looking to firm and tighten your arms, this could be a great exercise to add into your routine!

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