Thursday, June 6, 2013

Bananas: why to go on a nanner bonanza

Each morning without fail, I wake up and start my breakfast by eating a banana. This has been my routine for the past few years and will most likely continue to be for years to come. Bananas are not only sweet and portable, but have also proven to be beneficial for a variety of reasons.

One such benefit is that consuming a banana before a workout will do you far more good than downing an energy drink. A study conducted by scientists at the North Carolina Research Campus found that a group of trained cyclists received the same energy boost from downing a sports drink as they did from eating a banana. Though the same boost was provided, bananas have proven to be superior due to their antioxidants, vitamin B6, and their healthier mix of sugars than those found in sports drinks. The banana's natural energy is not only great for a workout, but also for any time of the day when you're starting to feel sluggish and need a pick-me-up.

Bananas are also great because they contain tryptophan (a chemical that can boost your mood), potassium (which reduces blood pressure and bloat, and helps repair muscles), magnesium, fiber, and iron. They're easily digested, can help ease an upset stomach and constipation, and can also aid in fighting kidney cancer.

Thought you could only derive benefit from the fruit of the banana? Think again! Apparently, you can use the peel on those pesky mosquito bites that seem to pop up all over during the summer season. According to Cicely Mitchell of CBS Houston, by rubbing the inside of the peel on mosquito bites, you can reduce their itching and swelling. Who would've known? An energizing and nutritious snack as well as a natural and inexpensive substitute for itching cream! It doesn't look like there's much to lose by incorporating this powerful fruit into your diet!


  1. do you think a banana and oatmeal for breakfast comes out to too many carbs?

    1. When debating over eating a carb-heavy breakfast, I would say that it comes down to the type of activity you'll be doing following the meal and how you plan to manage your carb consumption for the remainder of the day. Because I workout in the mornings, I'll usually eat a banana and either a bowl of oatmeal or whole grain waffles with some peanut butter for breakfast. This supplies me with the fuel I need to get through my workout, and then as the day progresses, I limit my carb intake. I hope this helps elleblaire!
