Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Green tea: why to down it like no other

There are always a few things that we simply can't leave the house without. Among these items may be your cell phone, wallet, sunglasses, and possibly some gum. These are all items that I also make sure to have with me before heading out the door, but in addition to these items, I'm armed with green tea bags.

So, anyone else besides me carry their own tea bags around with them? I'm going to assume the answer is no... but I'm going to tell you why carrying some around with you isn't such a crazy idea (and hopefully change your doubts in regards to my sanity in the process).

Green tea is full of a plant-derived compound called "catechins." This compound has been proven to be  an effective disease-fighter, reducing risk for some cancers (including bladder, breast, and lung cancers) and for heart disease as well. Another added bonus of drinking green tea is that by consuming a few cups a day, you can increase your body's fat burning potential. Furthermore, the tea's caffeine is a great way to perk up without the risk of jitters that you may experience from coffee.

Now, you tell me why you WOULDN'T be walking around without some green tea packets of your own?! Carrying your own stash may motivate you to drink more of the antioxidant-filled drink and can also save you money at the coffee shop, not to mention the added convenience if you don't happen to be near one. When you're on the move and in need of a beverage, forget the soda machine and find a cup of hot water to steep your tea in instead! In only a few minutes, you'll have yourself an antioxidant packed, zero-calorie drink! Cheers to health!

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