Friday, November 29, 2013

Workouts: your post-Turkey Day recovery plan

If yesterday's Thanksgiving/Thanksgivukkah meal was a success, I expect many of you to currently be experiencing that "I ate way too much and can't move" feeling. The chances of finishing the meal without entering a food comma were pretty slim, and we all saw it coming. So, unless you want to be stuck with that sluggish feeling all day, I suggest we get off our butts and give our over-stuffed bodies some exercise! (Especially if you plan on raiding the fridge later for left-overs, which we all know is happening.)

If you're not going Black Friday shopping (always a solid source of cardio) and can't make it to the gym because, a.) you have family staying over, or, b.) it's simply too cold outside to leave the house, you needn't worry. With the endless amount of online workout videos and printable routines available, you can easily get in a good sweat from the comfort of your home! 

In need of a good resource? One that I frequent often is Fitness Blender, which offers a wide variety of full-length workout videos. These videos allow you to follow an instructor while a narrator provides you with step-by-step instructions for each move. This gives you the feeling of being in an actual workout class, only you don't have to pay to attend or commute to the gymIt's really an insanely awesome deal you're getting here. I like to mix and match their videos (many are pretty short) to get a full-body workout in, but Fitness Blender also offers a good selection of HIIT workouts that will have you done with your entire routine in little time! Again, this is but one of the many great online resources out there; plenty more can be found from a quick search on YouTube! 

Here are some of my favorite full-length workout videos I've found on the web: 

Beach Body- 40 Minute Fat-Burning HIIT Workout

Just think of it like this: the sooner you get the workout done, the sooner you'll be able to make room for leftovers. Wait too long, and the fam will have polished them off! Get going before it's too late!

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