On a fateful afternoon a few months back, I opened the refrigerator to discover a shortage of chicken. I'd been planning on making a grilled chicken sandwich for lunch that day, but it looked as if I had to find an alternative source of protein. Scouring the fridge to find no other poultry options, I settled for egg whites. And thus, my breakfast sandwich concoction was born, and I've been eating it for lunch just about 5 days a week ever since. (Whoever said breakfast food had to be limited to breakfast?) It's high in protein and nutrients, quick to make, and tastes like sunshine.

To make this egg white breakfast sandwich, you'll need: (makes 1 sandwich)
- 2 slices whole grain bread of choice (I prefer Trader Joes' whole wheat sourdough)
- 1/2 cup liquid egg whites
- A few slices of avocado
- 2-3 tablespoons chopped onions
- 1/2 tablespoon ketchup

Toast the bread to your liking (or leave un-toasted) and cook the egg whites over low-medium heat until
fluffy. Mash the avocado slices into a puree and spread atop one slice of bread, followed by the chopped onions and egg whites. Spread the ketchup atop the second slice and then place atop the egg-laden half. For the sake of your sandwich staying intact during consumption, I recommend cutting it in half before digging in!
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