If I had to choose one fruit to represent all things summer, it would without a doubt be the pineapple. You say pineapple, I think sweet, tangy, tropical, refreshing, and with much more to gain from eating it than just its exquisite flavor. A serving of pineapple packs in 131% of your daily vitamin C, along with vitamin B6, copper, manganese, thiamin, fiber, and a high water content to keep you hydrated. Perhaps one of the pineapple's most distinguishing factors is that it carries the enzyme bromelain, which is an anti-inflamatory that can help with a spectrum of issues. Amongst the ways bromelain can be of benefit, it can help to reduce inflammation in soar throats and injuries, slow blood clotting, rid of bloat, and aid in the absorption of antibiotics!
A cup of this mouthwatering fruit comes in at a mere 80 calories along with 16 grams of sugar, so when eating with a fully-chopped up pineapple in front of you, try to control yourself from eating the entire thing at once.
You can buy pineapple canned, frozen, pre-cut, or whole, but to keep it fresh and cheap, I recommend buying pineapple in its whole form, which will cost you just around $3. Faced with its tough and prickly exterior, cutting up a pineapple yourself may seem a bit intimidating, but if you follow the directions in this link I found on Greatist, you should have no issues. That being said, it's helpful to know how to pick a good pineapple. This was news to me, but as it turns out, the best way to choose a ripe pineapple is based on its scent, so don't hesitate to pick one up in the grocery store and give it a sniff. You'll want to go for one that has a slight fragrance and is just a bit soft when pressing your fingers against it. Once you've got your pineapple handy, you can choose to eat it as is or use it to make a delicious smoothie, snack, or meal! Chop up that pineapple and check out some of the recipes below!
Grilled Mojo Chicken and Pineapple
Pineapple Whip
Grilled Shrimp with Melon and Pineapple Salsa
Pineapple Chia Smoothie with Herbs
Mexican Veggie Burgers with Grilled Pineapple, Avocado, and Jalapeño Ketchup
Pineapple Upside Down Pancakes
P.A.M. Juice
Pineapple Brown Rice
Pineapple Curry Chicken Skewers
Skinny Green Tropical Smoothie
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